🎉 February 2022 update! 🎉

We are aware that the search was sometimes "hanging" (seems to be loading indefinitely) and we improved on this!

  • 343 Industries seems to have switched to a new API that formats files differently than the old API we use. The consequence is that the API we use returns errors and we can't do much about it 😔.
  • BUT we made it so the search won't "hang" ad vitam eternam, and will offer you to "skip" a few files and see if the API returns some results.

MCC File Browser

Find all the maps and modes available on the MCC

MCC File Browser

Find all the maps and modes available on the MCC

Create & Share Playlists

Compose a playlist with maps and modes and share it easily!

Why this website?

We built this platform because HaloWaypoint doesn't provide yet any solution to browse file shares for MCC. We -French communities Halo Création and Halo Destiny- teamed up and reverse-engineered the MCC's API to be able to do just this: an actual, useful file browser. It fetches all files from the MCC's file shares and lets you search, filter and sort everything!